Poem of the Day
hand-to-hand pass
By Simone White
while the palms touch and digits suggestively link
so movement of the hands of each
does occur
while the palms touch and digits suggestively link
so movement of the hands of each
does occur
Freddie Mercury
Venus Williams
Bruno Mars
I built my home
in threatening handsome young men
on the basketball court.
Can residents who paint or draw
display art in the lobby?
No, their art might be ugly.
actually the angel’s already inside
with the groceries, carried them in
in one stupid angel trip
They close the factory
They close the school
They point with fear
When I was regional
they let me have hands
I can’t but for doing,
I guess, put my eye
against crossing
unprecious, as song to howl,
as captain to warlord, as wolf
to man, as the wolf in the man
Give me loops.
Give me turtles.
My books remain on the shelves as I left them last year
but all the words have died.